Correction needed

Pages: 12
closed account (E0p9LyTq)
I already knew there was differing implementations. :)

I am too cheap to pay money for the official standardization tome (no matter if it is digital or printed) and too lazy (and/or too dense) to plow through it anyway.

If I could wrap my brain around all the technical jargon. Fried synapes is more likely the result. I can feel my eyes glaze over reading some of the write-ups at cppreference.

I probably would miss the implementation guidelines in the standard if there are any. "I'm just not that clever," to borrow a phrase.

It is just a passing intellectual fancy wondering what the C++ standard says about the implementation of "epoch."

A nice bit of "gee, ain't that neat" trivia that is practically useless to us slobs that need to use a language feature. Not cobble together a compiler.
You can get the draft versions of the standard, which are close enough to the final revision to be used by anyone except compiler writers.

The standard says that the epoch is implementation defined.
closed account (E0p9LyTq)
You can get the draft versions of the standard, which are close enough to the final revision to be used by anyone except compiler writers.

I downloaded one of the draft versions a while back and I had a tough time slogging through all the technical jargon. My eyes not only glazed over, my brain went on strike for being abused.

Just not one of my innate capabilities, being conversant with the inner workings of the language.

The standard says that the epoch is implementation defined.

Thank you, my "Trivial Pursuit" type question has been answered. :)

ETA: I looked at N4713, the C++17 working draft dated 2017-11-27 and it isn't as mind numbing as I remember from reading what was likely an earlier draft standard.

Curiouser and curiouser.
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Careful down that rabbit hole. Don’t let anyone convince you to eat or drink poorly-labeled substances...
closed account (E0p9LyTq)
I willfully, with malice aforethought, request to be thrown in the briar patch! ;)
Heh, will do, Bre'r Guy.
Visual C++ 2017 has its epoch set to Wed Dec 31 16:00:00 1969

Your time zone is UTC-8?
closed account (E0p9LyTq)
Left Coast, USSA, Comrade Peter.

Currently UTC-7.
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Pages: 12