c++ devs paid less?

i stumbled upon this ( https://www.quora.com/Why-are-C-C++-developers-not-earning-more-than-Java-developers-despite-a-higher-level-of-complexity ) question on quora, today, that asks why C/C++ developers make less than other developers working with higher level languages despite the fact that C/C++ is more complex.

I was pretty surprised as i've always thought that more complexity = higher demand = a higher paying job, but i guess thats not the case?

Some of the answers seem a bit biased, and as a student with no experience in the industry i cant really tell if its actually true or not.

So i just wanted to ask your guys opinion on it. Are c/c++ programmers really paid less than say front-end web devs or python devs?
And if so does that mean that c/c++ is "outdated" ?
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"c/c++" does not exist, those are different programming languages with very different job profiles.

Complexity doesn't matter. What matters is the product, risk, impact, competition, etc. If you're an unpaid intern, it's one thing. If you're writing a reporting application that writes a spreadsheet once a month, it's another. If you're controlling a gas pipeline or a car engine or trading millions on a stock exchange, it's very different.

C and C++ are both used in critical infrastructure and applications that keep people alive and the world running. As long as that remains so, there will be extremely high-paid jobs, along with mid- and low-paid ones.

As a personal anecdote, I regularly get recruiter calls promising 500k - 750k/year for C++ jobs here in NYC finance. But we also have interns.
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