Intelligent people can say stupid things too, does that rank them lower in the "spectrum" of intelligence?
Okay you might call a person stupid from their behavior (maybe to tell them to change) but still you're giving them a name which probably nobody wants to be called.
Intelligence has nothing to do with saying stupid things, it might have to do with saying intelligent things but everybody is capable flof saying stupid things whether they're really stupid or not.
Yes, occasionally. Stupid people are more consistent in their bad judgement calls. I advice you to follow the links I posted earlier if you think I'm not basing my statements on a pattern of behavior.
you're giving them a name which probably nobody wants to be called
Nobody wants to be around stupid people, either.
Intelligence has nothing to do with saying stupid things, it might have to do with saying intelligent things but everybody is capable flof saying stupid things whether they're really stupid or not.
Utterly ridiculous.
Would you say that a smart person and a dumb person at their dumbest are capable of equally dumb things? For instance, it would never occur to me to say in a programming forum that I think it would be a good idea to only allow the best of their fields to reproduce. Even if I thought that, I would never say it. Apparently other people are perfectly comfortable making such statements even after receiving no support.
I just read those two threads. BTW I'm impressed by the replies that the thread got. I'm convinced he's not a troll rather really believes in all of what he has said.
I feel rude that we are judging him like this. Wonder how he would feel when he sees all of this.
BTW @suyashsing234 I'm just curious of you're reading this, do you still "have no craving to make children" (I read in that thread)?
When I was younger, I promised myself that I would never marry (don't think same now) , maybe it's a similar thing.
By the way, I notice how he said "lower castes got their rights" without giving any brief explanations for what he meant. I expect only people living in India to know what he meant when he said "lower castes". I think that's a hint.
If he really wanted to waste time then he wouldn't mention things that people don't know about (would he?) Also if he really was a troll then I would have expected more controversial threads. But he doesn't make such threads often, and apart from that he participates in relevant discussions that are relevant to programming (if he made only such threads, even over a long span of time, then it would make sense to call him a troll).
I don't think he's a troll. And I too think that he will be mortified by the conversations over here on him.
By the way @helios, people will get pissed if you tell that them they're not bright. Maybe there was no other way to put it, but still, if Suyash were to read that you think he's not bright, he would definitely feel bad. That's the point.
Satan wrote:
When I was younger, I promised myself that I would never marry
I think everybody made that promise at one point in their life ;)
Looks like there is another user who thinks this is his own private tutor service. When he gets the answers he needs he deletes the contents of his posts.
Reading through the above linked article led me to this bit of gender trivia:
Hopper liked hiring women. She said, "Women turn out to be very good programmers for one very good reason. They tend to finish up things, and men don't very often finish."
As of lately I've been noticing more and more of these "do my homework for me" type questions.
As I mentioned much earlier, I think this is an example of a meme that trolls put out there. I think there are broad categories of them, and ones tailored for specific people.
One example of the broad kind that we currently have might be: "I am new to C++, and I don't have any idea, please help me".
Of the memes targeted at a specific person: The troll knows what the favorite topics of a particular person are, so they put out questions related to those topics. In my case, I haven't used the forum much in the last month or so, so I don't see any of my "favorite" topics. If I were to be come more active again, sure as eggs, my "favorite" topic would appear again. This might depend on whether the trolls decides to target me or not, and the troll coming up with a suitable question.
I don't think we should underestimate the amount of activity these trolls carry out every day, is it dozens of posts per day, maybe even 100 posts per day?
I have to fight the urge to give these time vampires working code that would be obvious to their instructor that it is not theirs. Especially the ones that don't take the hint that it is for their own good that we don't just give them code.
As frustrating as trying to help posters who don't have a good grasp on English can be, or those who demand we do their home/class work, there is for me something even more frustrating.
Posters who clearly want help, yet "the teacher says I can't do/use XYZ." Or "we haven't learned XYZ yet."
Requiring they use C arrays when a std::vector would be much easier.
I understand "learning the basics," but crippling the curriculum is criminal.
I get really steamed when "The One True Way" is using the C library PRNG routines instead of what C++ has offered since C++11.
I understand "learning the basics," but crippling the curriculum is criminal.
To me it is all about what you are learning...are you learning programming or are you learning C++, or whatever. I would like it if they are more upfront about what they are allowed to do...
and wrote:
Requiring they use C arrays when a std::vector would be much easier.
Much easier to do a particular jobs but not to learn about arrays. I find the 'use std::vector' can lead to an 'if all I have is a hammer, everything looks like a nail' mentality.
You have to help them problem solve rather than solve their problem.