There are some jobs where typing speed matter, but for the most part I think people put way to much value on it. Especially when it comes to programming.
For a while I had a temp job at
National Refrigerants (, which normal people have probably never heard of, but if you work with industrial HVAC or the like you probably do business with them.
My job was to type analysis reports into an MS Access database program that would then be reviewed for correctness and sent back to the customer.
So if the customer sent us some oil sampled from a refrigeration unit on top of your local Wal-mart, we would test it and send back an
Oil Analysis Report. Or if the customer sent in actual refrigerant for testing, we would return an appropriate
Refrigerant Analysis Report.
Each report had a field for notes and recommendations for the technician. The wording has a fairly standardized format, and very large initialisms were common — it saved the man in the big chair from wasting his time writing out very long stuff over and over. So what I got from him was something like the following fairly standard report's recommendations (handwritten, of course):
ISSSIA DTE oil Mobil DTE Medium.
From that apparent gibberish I had to produce a report that read like this at the bottom:
Infrared spectrum shows sample is a DTE oil Mobil DTE Medium. Phosphorus, sulfur, and zinc present as lubricant additives. Copper present at a level below concern. All other above test results show good quality in-service DTE oil and indicate normal system performance. Resample at next scheduled maintenance interval.
Despite being a fairly good touch-typist, I thought that if I needed carpal-tunnel to start early, this was a boring way to do it.
So I did what any good hacker would do — I wrote a program.
With said program I could type in the initialisms almost verbatim* and get a perfectly-punctuated and perfectly-spelled report producing about 70% less carpal tunnel. And the number reports that wound up back on my desk, while low to begin with, dropped to almost zero, and then only for minor modifications and not spelling fixes and the like.
The program was still in development when my job terminated, so there were still a few corner cases that could have been improved, but weren't worth my time to dink with. Also, a single space was all that was necessary between lines...LOL.
Personally, I think the program itself is pretty slick. Most of it was fairly general and could be applied to any similar situation. Though it did have some specialization for easily inputting and formatting long lists of refrigerants and percentages and a few other things like that.
Oh yeah, it was also smart enough to recognize a sequence, and often I didn’t even have to type out the entire initialism, just the letters where similar sequences diverged. I’ll bump that CT savings up to about 75% or so. :O)
I think I’m the only who cares, though. If I were to give it to them it could put the current data entry specialist out of a job... and since there are maybe five other people on the planet with a similar job, that wouldn’t be very nice...
Anywho... that’s my story and I’m stickin’ to it!