Saying Hello

Hello everyone. I have just registered and thought it right and proper that I say hello. I am a middle aged man that has dabbled in different sorts of programming at a basic level. C++ has been on my mind for some years and I have finally decided to give it a go.

I am currently part way through a beginners book about C++. I have started hitting some small problems that I am trying to work out myself. If I cannot get past them I will no doubt start reading/posting in the forums.
a beginners book about C++

keep in mind there are many bad books about C++: consider following the list from
closed account (E0p9LyTq)
I am currently part way through a beginners book about C++.

There are also several decent online tutorials you can look over:

1. The tutorial here as cplusplus hasn't been updated in quite some time, yet it teaches the basics.

2. Another tutorial that is updated frequently, and delves into many of the newer features added to C++ with C++11/14/17.

Online references, with mini examples:

1. Not up to date.

2. Very authoritative, very technical, updated to include C++20 features expected to be added to the new standard. NOT a site for learning the language, period.

If you can learn from reading books, here's a suggestion for what to buy:

Notice: Best Books Multiple, not single.

As Cubbi mentioned, there are lots of books you should avoid.
Thank you for the advice and I would agree with you about some bad books. When I got into PHP I went through a book and the examples did not even work. I ended up spending far too much time trying to debug things. This was a book I used from my daughters university library that I thought should have been accurate, alas no.

I picked up a book from my local library just as a starting point to get me into the basics of the C++ language before I dive into it a little further. I must say that the example code in the book, so far, is producing working programs. I am writing very small programs of my own based on what I have learned in the examples just to get the ideas fixed in my head. The programs are working but some values and results are unexpected.

I will be checking the links that have been kindly supplied and expect to be embarrassing myself by posting my "silly little programs" in the forums if I am at a standstill. I do try my best to solve the problem myself but sometimes I have to give up after failing to see what I have done wrong (same with the wife really).

Again, thank you for the advice.
I have got my hands on Programming: Principles and Practice Using C++ by Bjarne Stroustrup. Looking forward to getting stuck in. Hello World here I come, again.
Heh, I started with GW-BASIC on a 8088. (Also played with Basic on a Z80 a little, but my Dad kicked us all off once the PC had games to keep us busy.)

Or was it the Commodore that came first?

Happy memories eh! ZX Spectrum (in England) then the C64 I seem to recall. My friend had a C64 and I was envious. I remember a great game called Boulderdash that we would play.

My first computer was a Texas Instruments TI-99/4A. Used to get a book from the library with games in and get my Mum to read each line out while I typed them all in.
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