Turbo, Dev or something else?

My high school teaches us in Turbo C++. I have heard it is outdated and not user friendly.

I mean, you can't copy paste codes. Also the interface is a bit wierd.

Do you think that basic introduction to C++ should be given through Turbo to get a basic understanding or should schools straight jump to DEv C++?

What are possible advantages of using Dev C++ over tubro?

I know that Dev C++ automatically indents your program.

Is there a newer, better IDE that schools must adopt?
closed account (1vRz3TCk)
The Brahmnic Boy wrote:
Is there a newer, better IDE that schools must adopt?

Yes, hell yes.

Turbo C++ is as old as rock art...I'm sure you will get lots of suggestions but it might be worth sending your teacher here for a chat...if they are looking to change.
Forget Turbo C++, there is no way you're using a 16-bit computer. I assume your program emulates a 16-bit environment just to run it. 16-bit computers haven't been in wide use for over two decades now. Decades! But, you're not going to be able to change India's academics overnight. As you said in the other thread, keep learning other ways to do C++ yourself. Don't go against the grain too much or you'll be at risk of annoying your instructors.

Is there a newer, better IDE that schools must adopt?

- If you're looking for a specific compiler, yes, you could use the Bloodshed Dev-C++ (doesn't come with the most up-to-date compiler, but still magnitudes better than Turbo).
- You can also use Visual Studio 2017 Community if your computers can handle it (it's free, but you "pay" by giving your information to Microsoft).
- A third option is Code::Blocks IDE, open-source and free (as in beer and freedom).
- Eclipse is available, but I personally haven't used it for C++.
- (Others I can't think of)

Other than that, there's also applications like Notepad++ and other text editors that can decently integrate compiler scripts.
(Or, just use Notepad++ and build the actual program separately).
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Ask your supervisor if you can help them install another IDE apart from Turbo C if they say no then they are just horrible horrible people..

if they say no then they are just horrible horrible people..

Or, maybe, just overworked (and almost certainly underpaid), busy teachers who are trying to do their best teaching a curriculum that's imposed on them by higher authorities.

The Brahmnic Boy wrote:
Do you think that basic introduction to C++ should be given through Turbo

No. It is impossible to gain any understanding of C++ "through Turbo". The language it calls "C++" is a long-forgotten dialect that looks nothing like C++ of 1998, let alone C++ of today.

MikeyBoy wrote:
Or, maybe, just overworked (and almost certainly underpaid), busy teachers who are trying to do their best teaching a curriculum that's imposed on them by higher authorities.

Even overworked and busy teachers who are not allowed to stray from a profoundly idiotic curriculum should have enough integrity to recognize and encourage a student genuinely interested in the subject.

Even overworked and busy teachers who are not allowed to stray from a profoundly idiotic curriculum should have enough integrity to recognize and encourage a student genuinely interested in the subject.

Recognizing and encouraging an enthusiastic student is one thing. But teachers operate under specific constraints, specified by their departments, their schools, their education authorities and, ultimately, their governments. They are usually overworked, with poor job security, and are very often compelled to teach in subjects they've never claimed to be experts in, having to do the best they can with the technology they have, and the knowledge they have.

In short, there are many, many reasons why a teacher might not feel comfortable with doing what Nwb suggested, without them being "horrible horrible people".

It is commonplace on this forum for students to come in and insult their teachers in an attempt to justify their own shortcomings. One expects such things from children. It is depressing to see others in this forum lowering themselves to the same level. It's a shitty way to behave.
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closed account (1vRz3TCk)
MikeyBoy wrote:
...It is depressing to see others in this forum lowering themselves to the same level. It's a shitty way to behave.
It seems to be the new world order. I've come back here because other sites I frequented* have become so toxic I stopped going to them.

* not all programming sites.
MikeyBoy wrote:
They are usually overworked, with poor job security, and are very often compelled to teach in subjects they've never claimed to be experts in, having to do the best they can with the technology they have, and the knowledge they have.

I was a college teacher once, and I would never for an instance consider my job security or workload worth more than a single student's future. Calling out incompetence in education is not a "shitty way to behave", it is the the only morally justifiable reaction.
closed account (1vRz3TCk)
I would say that the 'shitty way to behave' that MikeyBoy was talking about is the offhand name calling that Nwb did rather than anything else.

Without knowing about specific details about why an education system uses a piece of software it's inappropriate to question the motives (or call then name) of the the people that work in that system.
To be frank those computers aren't really used for anything else other than help the students learn by working on the computer. So If you're lucky and you have kind supervisors I'm sure they would love to let you help them install a new IDE, it might have just been that they hadn't had that necessity before. Because to be honest there aren't a lot of students out there who are veering out of their curriculum to actually learn programming. And also that doing such a thing conflicts with what they are currently learning so even the teachers don't think it's necessary to introduce them to modern C++ even in the lab because it adds to the confusion. I don't think it makes sense to teach one thing in class and another in the computer lab.

Hey, an irrelevant question, but I just want to know how this forum works..

So my previous post says "reported" does that mean you can't see it anymore? Or you can still see it but somebody with not enough posts reported that post? Apart from that, do I get like notified when my post gets deleted by another person? Or if I lose my permissions?

And also is there some sort of "infraction" system in this forum? How does a user know if he even has an infraction? Or it's all up to moderators with disabling permissions?

I know this is out of topic but this is Lounge and my questions are sort of relevant..
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closed account (1vRz3TCk)
People can still see your post but also see it is reported...but not the reason why...or who reported you.
The admin will decide if it gets deleted and or your account gets canned.

The general rule of the forum is don't annoy people.
So it didn't get deleted because the person who reported that post didn't have a much higher post count than me or because after a certain post count people in general can't immediately delete your post?
CodeMonkey wrote:
I would say that the 'shitty way to behave' that MikeyBoy was talking about is the offhand name calling that Nwb did rather than anything else.

Thanks for reading - and responding to - what I actually wrote. It's appreciated :)

Nwb wrote:
So it didn't get deleted because the person who reported that post didn't have a much higher post count than me or because after a certain post count people in general can't immediately delete your post?

As I think we already discussed in another thread, auto-deletion only happens when a poster with a high post count (> 100, IIRC) reports a post from a poster with a very low count (< 5, IIRC).
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