Why doesn't this forum have a siggy?

Almost every forum I've seen has a custom signature but not this one.. any particular reason? I mean there's gotta be some reason.. signatures are like the most important part of any forumer. It's the only thing that defines one from others. It's the thingie that can express an entire personality in just two lines!

I wouldn't mind even if we had just a 10 character limit to fill in and no pictures. Or I wouldn't even mind if changes in signatures had to be approved by a moderator or if you needed a minimum join date to use the feature.

I'm not even complaining about not having an avatar, quote button and automatic quote notifications.

Oh btw hooray me for reaching 100 posts! *dance emoji*
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Simple answer:

Because this is custom forum software, written by someone who, presumably, wasn't interested in those things.

If you'd like to try persuading the admin of this forum that they should spend time and effort implementing those things, go for it!

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closed account (E0p9LyTq)
signatures are like the most important part of any forumer.

BS. On fora I frequent that do allow it most people don't bother.

I find it a waste of bandwidth, something to ignore.
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The best argument I can think of against a signature feature is that can make posts lose meaning with time.
A: How do I do X?
B: Check out the link in my signature.
And of course five years later the signature is something completely different. That's quite an anti-feature in a forum destined to provide help with technical problems.
Signatures are optional, one may choose to use it if they are keen on it.

@helios then maybe we can come to a middleground by not allow links itself in signatures? To be honest signatures are more for introducing oneself. It could even be a motto or anything for that matter.. like your favorite food or even just "cookie" ;)

Then again instead of saying "check link in siggy" one can just post the link in a reply. So we can't rely on such people anyway because it's not like if it weren't for the signature he would have explained it like he should have.

I think it would add flavor to the forum.

I also think join date should be mentioned near post count. Of course it's not necessary but might as well eh?

Oh and there should be a "quote" button which would bring reply in quote. The quote would also have the ID of the person being quoted. When the person is quoted in this way (when his ID is mentioned), that user is notified..

Oh yes we need notifications too. Can't rely on email for private messages.
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To be honest signatures are more for introducing oneself. It could even be a motto or anything for that matter.. like your favorite food or even just "cookie"
There's already a "Bio" field in your profile. Anyone who cares about such nonsense can go look at it. Why would you even want your favorite food or your introduction to be copied into every post you ever make? How is any of that relevant?
Nwb wrote:
I also think join date should be mentioned near post count.

That information is available on people's profiles. There's no need - nor any value, IMO - in putting it in every single post made by a user.

Look, I'm sure we can all think of new features we'd like this forum to have. There are plenty of features that would actually enhance the usability of the forum, which would be way more helpful than narcissistic frivolities like sigs.

But unless you're actually going to try and persuade admin to spend their time implementing those features, then what's the point in moaning about it? You won't achieve anything.
MikeyBoy, is right. There is no point in suggesting new things when there exist important features that has been broken for ages. I'm mostly thinking about the formatting buttons not working when creating new threads, and that posts are sometimes lost when submitting.
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