Duthomhas wrote: |
I don't know how you got along without ever seeing software written in TP in the 80s. |
ok, I'll try to remember what my PC would have back then (probably going for early 90s, I didn't get a hard drive until 92). PCTools, Norton Commander and Utilties, DESQView, ChiWriter, WordPerfect, FrontDoor, Maximus, GoldEd, Terminate, BlueWave, various commandline tools like pkarc/pkzip/arj, pu1700.
Duthomhas wrote: |
the number of games written using TP, |
This I can do with more precision, I still have my BBS catalog. These games from before 1990 I have played on my PC: A10 Tank Killer (Dynamix, 1989) David Wolf Secret Agent (Dynamix, 1989), Hero's Quest 1 (Sierra, 1989), Life and Death (Software Toolworks, 1989), MechWarrior (Activision/Dynamix 1989), Space Quest 3 (Sierra, 1989), Their Finest Hour (LucasFilm, 1989), Tongue of the Fatman (Activision, 1989), The Dark Heart of Uukrul (Broderbund, 1989), Ultima 4 (Origin, 1985), Ultima 5 (Origin, 1988), Zak McKracken (LucasFilm, 1988). Just peeked at the oldest one, Ultima 4, originally an Apple game, and the PC port used the 1986 C library from Microsoft.