However, generalizations are not good for soul. It could be possible to find a person -- maybe even a human being -- among the masses, who is not stupid, incompetent, lazy, or arrogant. |
It wasn't a generalization, I specifically meant MY CURRENT professors. I'm sure there are plenty of them that I would not look down on like this.
Are you sure that there was no reason? |
That said, there are times when evaluators can get excessively pedantic. |
Pretty sure. An example of points being taken off was when on the homework he took points off because I cancelled out a variable being multiplied on the top and bottom.. A legal thing to do - and I got the right answer. In fact, he found a way to take 10 points of every homework assignment so far, and nothing he's taken points off for have made the least bit of sense..
I figured it was obvious in a university-level course of discrete math/number theory, but I guess I figured wrong. |
Thanks for sharing, it's nice to have some stories to relate to.
Go on then, differentiate and integrate xx. |
Not hard to differentiate, haven't gotten to integrate yet. Not trying to fight you, I just find Calculus easy to do - at least for now. I'm still in Calculus 1/MATH 181.
Really appreciating how everything connects together is a bit harder. At least, "calculus is easy" compared to when I had to first learn about proofs relating to polynomials over Galois fields. |
Thanks for saying that. In high school, the teacher made sure that we not only got the formulas, but that we understood WHY they worked. I would see the math build on itself. This professor TRIES to do that and seems like a nice guy. But honestly, I can't understand half the things he says because his English is lacking. I end up looking at the formulas and such and figuring everything out myself.
Luckily, with an engineering degree you can skip most of the bullshit classes. But there will always be bad professors even at the higher level "300-400" classes (idk if your school uses that terminology). I suggest going to office hours even (especially?) with the worst professors, it really can make the difference. |
Yea, same terminology here. Thanks for the advice, I'll be sure to get all the help I can from them if I ever need it (or can get it).
Thanks everyone for posting, sorry if I irritated any of you.