Which programming languages to learn?

closed account (1vf9z8AR)
I want to get high paid jobs and make useful individual projects like web development and app development.

So which programming languages do you suggest I should master in?

Right now I am getting quite comfortable in python, c, and c++.

All the youtube videos and internet sites make it seem like as if c and c++ are useless and java and python are amazing. Is it true?

All the youtube videos and internet sites make it seem like as if c and c++ are useless and java and python are amazing. Is it true?

C/c++ is far from useless.
They are some of the most powerful and widely used languages out there.

I think the majority of people that say otherwise are ones that work in frontend jobs designing websites or GUI interfaces all day, and generally dont know much about programming, other than how to change a few colors and fonts here and there.

Think about it, you wrote this message using a program that was written in c/ c++ on an operating system written in c/ c++ sent to a server that was also written in c/c++ (through a bunch of routers, probably wirtten in c). c / c++ is everywhere.

And sure, java / python has their uses (when you want something done quickly and is ok with it being a bit messy or slow ), but if you want something done properly there is only one way to go.

(I know this isnt really what you asked for, but i just wanted to state my opinion because i keep hearing things like this and it makes me angry xd )
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I think you need to differentiate between different platforms and types of apps.
For desktop apps C++ is a good choice - maybe not for GUIs.

For web apps it's probably better to use PHP or Python or other scripting languages.

For Android apps Java is probably the best way to go,
for iOS apps Swift or Objective-C is a better way to go.
If you want to get a high paid job you probably need to learn many different languages.

Best way to find out is to go to your local job centre or maybe a career advisor.
Also worth having a look at job offers in your area.
suyashsing234 wrote:
I want to get high paid jobs and make useful individual projects like web development and app development. So which programming languages do you suggest I should master in?

If that is really "and" and not "or" (e.g. making a lot more money as a C++ programmer on Wall Street is out of consideration), then you have to aim at the top. Look at the tech giants with major web and app presence: Facebook, Twitter, Google, Amazon. Look at your phone and your browser history, and see what it takes to join the people that work on the apps and websites you use the most.

suyashsing234 wrote:
youtube videos and internet sites make it seem like as if c and c++ are useless

C++ may seem underused in web and app development, but the fact is both top websites and top mobile apps use lots of C++ (websites use it for performance at scale, mobile apps use it for portability and battery economy), but they of course use other technologies too - twitter famously uses a lot of Scala, for the unusual example.

Anyway, if you are "quite comfortable in python, c, and c++", get programming experience. Are you comfortable with debuggers? How many? Can you debug multithreaded applications? Profilers? git? jenkins? Unit testing? Those things matter more than programming languages in daily work.
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