API, Qt or windows.h

What do you think?
Qt gives a great toolkit to make an API, and the API editor where u only put the
widgets is pretty usefull.

but ...

isn´t better to learn about windows.h? because it make you to learn about a lot
of concepts about API ,classes, objetcs, etc; ...

If you´re begginer, and you´re tired out of only make console application, starting in the concepts that windows.h gives to a begginer isn´t more usefull as learn about make API in toolkits like Qt?
isn´t better to learn about windows.h?

Only if you want to restrict your knowledge to Windows programming, and become expert in Windows-specific frameworks. Which, y'know, is a valid area to work in if that's what you want.

because it make you to learn about a lot of concepts about API ,classes, objetcs, etc;

And using the QT API, classes, objects, etc would fail to give you that experience... why, exactly?
It sounds like you want to get into GUI programming? Then jump into QT. The Windows stuff is fascinating but you'll end up doing twice the work for half the result if you want anything outside of a CLI.
about :
because it make you to learn about a lot of concepts about API ,classes, objetcs, etc

I thogth that because a windows.h structure look more "complexty", but at least you´re rigth, at least work with classes is work with classes, work with Qt don´t fail to give that experiencie.

Computergeek01, yeah, i was searching about GUI programming,

I´m learning python and cpp at same time, and i feel like now i can jump into GUI programmin in both languages.

In pyhton i use the tkinter toolkit by default to make GUI

But c++ is tiring me out because i really want to learn more about GUI in C++ than python

Im programming on windows.h but i feel it tiring.

Then jump into QT. The Windows stuff is fascinating but you'll end up doing twice the work for half the result.

Really thanks ! im gonna download Qt rigth now.

 if you want anything outside of a CLI.

To make a CLI in the program is the:
int nCmdShow
values and that stuff?

int WINAPI WinMain(HINSTANCE hInstance, HINSTANCE hPrevInstance,
 LPSTR lpszCmdParam
int nCmdShow

You won't gain any benefit from writing a GUI in C or C++. Some people. including myself, would argue that you're actually doing more damage to your product with this approach.
I think ... is because a GUI in c++ has include the windos.h header file, and as long as i know it would be used by a malware for damage the system. Does not it?
WOULD you recommend me, use tkinter on python for make GUI, more as C++?

Any other toolkit for Python or language to make GUI would you recommend?

hahaha i do not take it slowly, i love this, i code all day <3
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