Either your professor lying to you, or perhaps you're mistaken in the terminology between an "asymptote" and a simple "discontinuity".
• An asymptote happens when, if you plug in a number, you get the result to be of the form {non-zero}/{zero}, e.g 3/0 in your example. You're dividing a non-zero by an incredibly small number, so it blows up to infinity.
• But, if you plug in and get 0/0 (your final """simplification"""), that is not an asymptote; 0/0 is indeterminant form, and can just mean that there is a simple hole or discontinuity at whatever number you plugged in.
In other words:
• (x+1)/(x-2) is your original equation. It has an asymptote at x = 2 because if you plug in x = 2, you get (3)/0, which is {non-zero}/{zero}. Okay. If you plug in x = 0, you simply get -1/2.
• Once you start factoring out an x and have and (x/x) in your equation, you create at a hole at x = 0, because now when you plug in 0 into (x^2 + x)/(x^2 - 2x), you get indeterminant form, (0 + 0)/(0 - 0) = 0/0.
The limit is still exists and is -1/2, however.
tl;dr after your professor manipulated the equation, he created a simple discontinuity or
hole at x = 0,
not an asymptote.
If you want visuals, and you don't have a graphing calculator on hand, you can use wolframalpha.com to plot things, because visuals are nice.
Edit: Changed wolfram alpha links to show the discontinuities