I know there's no "correct" answer to this, so please don't interpret this as an argument.
I'm just wondering how you fellow forum-goers say/write some of the more-subjective parts of programming.
• How do you pronounce "char"? "shar" (like
shard of glass), "char" (like
charred wood), "car" (like automobile), or "care" (like caring for a baby, or the beginning of
• Do you prefer "S-Q-L" or "sequel"?
• Do you use tabs or spaces? (Oh boy, please don't argue about this, I'm just genuinely curious.)
• Do you prefer to put the opening brace on its own line, or on the same line as the function signature?
• If you have a job related to programming, does
your work use tabs or spaces?
• What do you set your tab/space indent length to? 2 characters? 4? 8?
• What is your favorite IDE/editor (Visual Studio, vim, emacs, notepad++, etc.)?
• What is your favorite version control software, if any?
• If you have a job related to programming, what version control system does
your work have?
• is PNG "ping" or "P-N-G"?
• is GIF /d͡ʒɪf/ (like
jiffy) or /ɡɪf/ (like
Edit: from other users:
• how do you pronounce "doge"? (helios)
I think that's it. If you don't want to answer the 2x work-related ones, please feel free not to. I'm just curious.