Nineteen years seems like an awfully long time. Same job all that time, or have you worked your way up? I generally find that switching employer every three/four years is about right in terms of progression and skills updating (and, as it turned out to be most important for me, interesting new work).
Worked in the R&D department. Learning new skills was part of my job. My work ranged from embedded systems to integrating/extending SAP. I don't think I'll find another job like it. But that is why I need to refocus.
To me the most important thing is the people I work with.
Good luck, CodeMonkey! I actually recently just started looking at some core stuff for work.
I've heard something along those lines, too. Could you say what your highest level of education was before you got your first post-degree job? And did one of your jobs allow you to seek further education with being paid or partially reimbursed for education?