I'm trying to create a claculator that asks: For each computation, before getting the numbers, ask the user if they want to perform:
• integer arithmetic (whole numbers input and whole number results); or
• floating point arithmetic (input numbers may contain a decimal, and output must contain a decimal).
and has the following menus:
Hello, and welcome to the Calculator Practice Program.
This program allows you to practice your math skills.
Choose what you want to practice in the menu shown below.
a. Addition (X+Y)
b. Subtraction (X-Y)
c. Multiplication (X*Y)
d. Division (X/Y)
e. Powers & Roots
q. Quit the program
Enter your choice [ a - e, q ]:
Powers & Roots Menu
Hello, and welcome to the Powers & Roots Menu.
This menu allows you to take powers and roots of a number.
a. Square a number (Xˆ2)
b. Cube a number (Xˆ3)
c. Raise to any power (XˆY)
d. Square root a number (Xˆ1/2)
e. Cube root a number (Xˆ1/3)
f. Take any root (Xˆ1/Y)
m. Return to Main Menu
q. Quit the program
Enter your choice [ a - f, m, q ]:
This is what i have so far ;
#include <cstdlib>
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int displayMenu()
int choice;
cout << " \n Hello, and welcome to the Calculator Practice Program.
This program allows you to practice your math skills.
Choose what you want to practice in the menu shown below.\n\n"