> Strain on eyes is least.
...until you are sitting in front of the beast at night, when strain on eyes is most.
Automatic theme
I would like to see the automatic theme working, but getting
accurate sunrise/sunset information for automatic theme selection requires one of two things:
- having an IP lookup database installed on your server
- spamming someone
else’s IP lookup server
(More exacting geolocation stuff requires an https-enabled site and, importantly, asking the user if it is okay to know where he/she is, so... the geolocation API is definitely not an option.)
My main site (
http://michael-thomas-greer.com) is cheating by using the local time and assuming you are somewhere around latitude 40N.
This means that everyone on the west side of China is screwed for a couple of hours, but most everywhere else in the world it should be kind of close-ish... I think.
I need data!
For those interested, would you mind telling me:
1 where you are (major city please)
2 what my site thinks your sunrise & sunset times are
3 what your sunrise & sunset times actually are (for purposes of documentation)
To get #2, load my site and open the browser’s developer console. You’ll see a message telling you the times.
To get #3, you can enjoy playing around at
I’ll send everyone who responds the recipe for some unusual but delicious cookies.