by zhuang2653
How to get set<string> to store string in size order?
[8 replies] Last: std::map< int, std::set<string> > dict; dict[s.size()].insert(s); ... (by ne555)
by impetus
ctime header syntax
[6 replies] Last: C++20: Calendar For... (by JLBorges)
by impetus
bios.h header in Linux compliation environment
[6 replies] Last: Yes! Thanks, Seeplus (by impetus)
by demhash
Does Copy Constructor require explicit copy statements for each class members?
[6 replies] Last: new (or new) doesn't return nullptr by default in case of error, but ... (by seeplus)
by bergjensen33
What is the best way of implementing this letter valuing function?
[3 replies] Last: Yes, use a look up table, if the look up is to be done many times. Id... (by JLBorges)
by domweng
How to initialize classes to always be usable
[7 replies] Last: Hello C++98! Default member initialization in a class is very much a ... (by deleted account xyzzy)
Array (1,2) |
[26 replies] Last: You might want to have a look at pseudo code: https://www.techgeekbuz... (by thmm)
problem in c++ |
[4 replies] Last: If the size of the array is not a fixed value that is known before... (by kigar64551)
Access Form1 MenuStripItem from Form 2 |
[10 replies] Last: C++/cli is MS's second attempt to merge C++ with .net (the previous ve... (by seeplus)
matrix problem in c++ |
[6 replies] Last: finally got it. l17 was supposed to be a line thank you (by The apprentice)
by adryborre
So many errors (1,2)
[21 replies] Last: Thanks (by adryborre)
by marcnadeau97
Array of size n
[10 replies] Last: I've been using matlab for a few years I missed that note before. I... (by jonnin)
by earguelles1
C++ to MySQL remote DB
[2 replies] Last: I wanted to create a C++ program on my Windows machine, and integrate... (by kigar64551)
how do you put special characters such as(^) as regular strings for regex |
[3 replies] Last: The use of raw string literals is correct, but I do recommend using a ... (by Duthomhas)
by vboro
[6 replies] Last: The output, which must look like this: Inbox for consumer Blaise: ... (by keskiverto)
by DanniJK
Advanced C++ Resources/Tutorials
[6 replies] Last: Just took a look at Learn C++ ( It's reall... (by kbw)
by realtd
address book using lits
[9 replies] Last: You COULD technically use goto, I know, I know, please don't scream a... (by seeplus)
by salaman125
[8 replies] Last: Well, that little son-of-a-Bob-Wiley... (by JRManx)
by jcsb1994
What would be the best way to design an OO EEPROM interface?
[2 replies] Last: Your concern doesn't make much sense to me. Effectively you just want... (by mbozzi)
by mikef
C++ Map of integers as key and class objects vector as value
[2 replies] Last: Thank you! I figured out how to display the objects, I'll leave the co... (by mikef)