What IDE do I use?
Multiple ones, including a stand-alone compiler that isn't an integrated development environment.
Visual Studio 2019 Community, Code::Blocks and MSYS2.
I tried Visual Studio Code and found it harder to work with than C::B.
I will wait for VS 2022 to be officially released, out of preview status, before I go with it. 2019 works with C++20 with just a minor hiccup. Some C++20 features require compiling as /std:latest to work instead of /std:c++20. Coroutines is one of those features, ranges relies on coroutines with VS.
FYI, I've been self-teaching C++ since long before C++11. IIRC from before the time of C++03, after C++98. No formal classroom instruction. Lots of book reading, with now online tutorials and technical articles.
C++11 is considered as being the beginning of "Modern C++." Teaching anything less is a crime against humanity IMO. The way C++ is taught TO A BEGINNER by a lot of schools/universities teach C++ as if it were merely "a better C".
The changes the language has undergone since C++98/03 is staggering. I own several "Learn C++ in X days/hours". The emphasis in the lessons shows a definite change away from writing custom containers towards using standard library components. The core concepts (variables, functions, etc.) are tweaked in minor respects as well.
Does a beginner really need to know how to, for example, construct a singly linked list? IMO absolutely not. The C++ standard library already has one.
An intermediate/advanced student should be exposed to the "how does it work" though.
For me I am more interested in
using what C++ has to offer, in all its myriad revisions. Knowing what is going on "under the hood" is of lesser importance to me.
See "forward and reverse for loops with C++ containers" -
http://www.cplusplus.com/forum/general/279811/ to get a glimpse of my use-based way to understanding C++.