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    Getter for enum member returns a copy of enum?   [Beginners]
    I came across something non-intuitive, found a solution, but don't fully understand why the solution works. #include <iostream> using namespace std; enum ...
    [11 replies] Last: My view with regard to interface and not needing setters and maybe nee... (by TheIdeasMan)
    Use C++ 20 with Embarcadero   [General C++ Programming]
    I have been using C++ builder for some C projects. It works really well. However, I have been trying to run some code from a tutorial I want to follow and I get...
    [4 replies] Last: The last recourse is the "other compiler options" where you can just l... (by salem c)
    Call of Templated Function w/ Explicit Template Argument Fails to Compile   [General C++ Programming]
    greetings kind regards may i please enquire why compiler reports error for code below as indicated . thank you kindly template<typename T, typename U> voi...
    [1 reply] : The meaning of the name _T.aaa[/tt] depends on the template parameter... (by mbozzi)
    I wrote a cron job!   [Lounge]
    This is a continuation of Finally switched to Linux Mint[/b] (https://cplusplus.com/forum/lounge/285724/[b][/b]). Mint, by default, is constantly popping up n...
    [12 replies] Last: my early work was in unmanned air vehicles. We had sims, of course, a... (by jonnin)
    Random Story Time   [Lounge]
    I once went to McDonalds, waaay back when $5 was expensive, and bought food that totaled something like $6.85. I gave the cashier a five, two ones, and a dim...
    [19 replies] Last: it was a little joke from ancient history. Long ago, there was a made... (by jonnin)
    Formatted Console Log with Datetime   [Windows Programming]
    I'm working on a C++11 project that uses console logging (cout) at the moment. I created the following Log method to perform printf-style formatting: // U...
    [7 replies] Last: If the OP could move to C++20 rather than sticking with using C++11 th... (by seeplus)
    Well, it looks like Mozilla is finally turning Evilâ„¢   [Lounge]
    Firefox users are getting an updated EULA where Mozilla gets copyright to everything you post online through their browser. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E4...
    [7 replies] Last: Louis Rossmann does good work (I support his right to repair efforts) ... (by zapshe)
    scientific computing - optimize speed   [General C++ Programming]
    Greetings, this is a longer thread, so thank you in advance for anyone who takes the time. It might be that no one can help me without sharing the whole github...
    [16 replies] Last: Just leaving this here. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Barnes%E2%80%93... (by salem c)
    why can't I use cout with without iostream   [General C++ Programming]
    Basically what the tittle says I wanted to output something so I only included the ostream[/code] library but when I tried to output something with cout ...
    [5 replies] Last: And then there is <iosfwd>[/tt] (by keskiverto)
    by Ch1156
    Is my understanding of pointers correct?   [Beginners]
    So I've been studying pointers and really trying to learn how to use them and how they work, and I feel like I completely understand their use cases now. I...
    [18 replies] Last: Ok groovey, that all makes sense :+D (by TheIdeasMan)